What You Should Bring To Your Family Law Consultation

Financial Documents – Any Documents reflecting the purchase of a home, land, vehicle, equipment, etc. as well as tax documents and retirement/investment accounts.

Business Documents – Any Documents showing ownership or contribution to a business owned by you or your spouse.

Testamentary Documents – Any documents showing that specific property was transferred to you as the result of a last will and testament, gift, or otherwise.

Legal Documents – If you were previously involved in a domestic case for divorce, custody, or child support that may impact your current situation, or you have been served with legal documents, you should bring copies of any legal documents to your legal consultation. Most Importantly, if you were involved in domestic violence, bring copies of any police reports or other documents provided to you by law enforcement or the court regarding the incident(s).

Photographs, text messages, other communications – Any photographic evidence of violence, threats, financial abuse, or other communications can be helpful for your attorney to fully evaluate your situation.

Financial Information – if you have minor children and anticipate child support issues, be prepared to discuss your monthly income and deductions for food, gas, water, electricity, rent, home repair, automobile expenses, insurance, and child care expenses for clothing, gifts, extracurricular activities and similar household expenses.